Sunday, August 24, 2014

The First Day of School

Welcome to the First Day of School in World Geography

I hope everyone is excited about starting school at Dr. Abraham P. Cano Freshman Academy as I am!  This is going to be a wonderful growing experience for all our freshmen.  With so much to learn academically, I hope our students will grow personally as well.  

With all that said, I know that there will be nervous students and students who will feel lost on the campus.  Please ask any of the faculty for help this first week of school.  We want everyone to feel comfortable and at home so that the students will have an exceptional learning experience.  

Remember that this is high school and we do expect our students to come with some elementary supplies even on the first day-pen, paper, and some kind of folder to store information until they have the notebooks for their individual classes.  

Be prepared for a fantastic school year.   Students should always work to do their best and they will have no problems in their classes.  Remember to ask for help when needed.  Remember all the teachers are there to help, but how a student does is up to him/her.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Getting Ready!

This last week has had me in my classroom three times.  Getting everything ready for the first day of school is very exciting for me!  I love how I can practically see my reflection in the freshly waxed floors, clean desk tops, and brand new butcher paper for my bulletin boards.

My first job was rearranging the furniture back into collaborative groups.  When I first walked in, my classroom was set up in the traditional rows.  Nope!  Now my desks are set up for small group work.  My bulletin boards are also now ready to be utilized for student learning.  I decided this year instead of being used for decoration, that I would set them up as elements of the learning environment.  One board will be for school related information, one will be used as an anchor chart, one for a word wall, and the other will be used for the project based learning unit we are working on.  My goal is for the boards to help students be successful in geography class.

As my room moves nearer to completion, I become more excited about August 25th.  I know that not only will I, but my students too, will have an awesome year!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Welcome to Public Services House A

Welcome to your freshman year at Dr. Abraham P. Cano Freshman Academy!  You are part of the graduating class of 2018,  and we teachers in the school of Public Services House A are here to help you develop the knowledge, skills, and grit that you will need to be successful though high school and after.

Public service is the act of providing an essential service to the community such as health services, teaching, law enforcement, and even the military.  This is not all inclusive; but if you have chosen this "major" in high school, then you are interesting in helping your community in some way.  I challenge you to start now!  Find some kind of service that you can provide to help others and do it!  Joining Student Council here at CFA would be a great start.

We are going to have a great year.  Remember to work hard, ask questions when you don't understand something, seek help when needed, and always do your best.  We teachers at CFA are here to help, but your effort will determine your success.