Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Welcome to Public Services House A

Welcome to your freshman year at Dr. Abraham P. Cano Freshman Academy!  You are part of the graduating class of 2018,  and we teachers in the school of Public Services House A are here to help you develop the knowledge, skills, and grit that you will need to be successful though high school and after.

Public service is the act of providing an essential service to the community such as health services, teaching, law enforcement, and even the military.  This is not all inclusive; but if you have chosen this "major" in high school, then you are interesting in helping your community in some way.  I challenge you to start now!  Find some kind of service that you can provide to help others and do it!  Joining Student Council here at CFA would be a great start.

We are going to have a great year.  Remember to work hard, ask questions when you don't understand something, seek help when needed, and always do your best.  We teachers at CFA are here to help, but your effort will determine your success.

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