Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Geographic Reasoning

Our first unit was called Tools of Geography, but it might have been better named Geographic Reasoning.  We spent quite a bit of time reviewing map skills such as reading symbols on a map, using scale and direction, and plotting coordinates.  We also practiced making inferences from maps and photos.  All of this was in preparation for developing geographic questions and making inferences using maps.  

The culminating project was to create an annotated map of Harlingen hotels.  The students studied a map of pre-existing hotels in our town to infer what makes a good location for a hotel.  They also had to try to figure why there were certain parts of town that didn't have hotels.  Finally they had to evaluate a site for a new hotel.

It was challenging for the students to finish in the time frame allotted.  Too many students focused on drawing the map which I told them to keep it basic; the focus should be the annotations.  Still, I was happy with the progress my students made over the first few weeks of school.

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